In breweries, steam plays a crucial role in maintaining high sanitation levels, cleaning utensils and hard-to-reach areas. Steam also ensures beer flavors remain consistent. For example, many breweries use steam generators to boil wort, which is a high energy intensive step in the overall brewing process.
Steam is often used to spot clean dry clean-only garments, or garments too delicate to wash. The steam removes dirt and grime from garments by re-hydrating and sanitizing the area. Steam cleaning can clean fabric without harsh chemicals.
Steam is part of the cooking, sanitizing, processing, and packaging in the food industry. Food processing industries generally natural gas, liquid fuel, and biomass as the fuels in the steam boiler.
Rigid packaging and plastic film manufactures often require varying temperatures across the process making it necessary to use equipment that provides a flexible and efficient source of heat.
Boilers create high-quality steam that impacts a spirit's taste and are commonly used to sanitize and sterilize distilling equipment. In some instances, boilers can even help control a distillery's air temperature where tastings and tours take place.
Steam is used for soil steam sterilization which is a method used to sterilize soil and eliminate pests, bacteria, etc. this process of soil sterilization has been proved to be the best method of all.
Besides heat and hot water, the most important reason for having a steam boiler is to ensure that the humidity of the hospital can remain within a certain percentile. Steam kills microorganisms on stainless steel utensils as well as on items like gowns and gauzes.
We can provide hot water boilers or high pressure steam generators as a heating source for digester applications. Depending upon the size and design of the digester, an electric hot water boiler can provide process heat.
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Southern Steam Services LTD.
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